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  • 2022-08 - Today
    • Senior Technical Consultant
    • Vonage (https://www.vonage.co.uk) part of Ericsson (https://www.ericsson.com).
    • Reporting to the Director of Engineering for the API Platform, I serve as a trusted technical advisor to engineering leadership. I provide expertise on technical solutions, design, and architecture, guiding teams towards optimal outcomes. Proactively identifying departmental gaps and opportunities, I conceive innovative solutions ("moonshots"), develop proof-of-concept prototypes, and deliver actionable plans for implementation. As the liaison for the Security team, I ensure alignment with the Risk Register and compliance requirements. Additionally, I actively contribute to our Go software ecosystem by maintaining shared libraries and tools, while fostering professional development through engineer mentorship.
  • 2019-10 - 2022-08
    • Software Engineering Manager
    • Vonage (https://www.vonage.co.uk).
    • Led and managed the API Platform Operations Support Systems (OSS) team. Streamlined operations by introducing new policies and processes, and actively participated in over 20 projects to enhance platform functionality. Developed cross-team tools to improve collaboration and efficiency, and fostered a culture of open-source contribution by releasing the Go software libraries gosrvlib and numkey.
  • 2019-01 -2019-07
    • Software Engineering Manager
    • Opsview Ltd (https://www.opsview.com).
    • Led and managed over 20 engineers across 4 distinct teams, encompassing line management and hiring responsibilities. Fostered a culture of mentorship and knowledge-sharing, demonstrably boosting developer productivity at a consistent pace within just two quarters. Actively participated in and refactored approximately 150 software projects, spearheading the implementation of a novel project structure and a meticulously planned multi-stage migration to a Continuous Delivery model.
  • 2017-06 - 2018-12
    • Principal Software Engineer
    • GENOMICS plc (https://www.genomicsplc.com).
    • Led strategic software development efforts, reporting directly to the CEO. Provided expert guidance, mentorship, and support to all teams, fostering a collaborative and high-performing development environment. Established and enforced software best practices across the organization, including clear naming conventions, consistent code structure, testing, robust versioning, informative metrics, comprehensive logging, efficient configuration management, standardized packaging, and automated workflows. Made significant contributions by actively participating in and refactoring approximately 50 software projects. Designed and implemented new software components utilizing a diverse range of programming languages, including C/C++, Go, Python, R, Javascript, and Bash, demonstrating versatility and technical expertise. Streamlined software delivery through standardized CI/CD builds, ensuring efficiency and consistency. Championed innovation by introducing novel concepts and models such as VariantKey, RegionKey and ESID, furthering the company's technological advancements. Optimized internal operations by reorganizing repositories for improved clarity and maintainability. Constructed robust data pipelines to facilitate efficient data flow and analysis.
  • 2016-03 - 2017-05
    • Partner Engineer Team Leader
    • MIRACL UK LTD (https://www.miracl.com)
      MIRACL is an Internet cyber-security company.
    • Led by the CTO, I actively contributed to over 50 software projects across various programming languages. Proactively refactored multiple projects to adhere to high-quality standards and best practices, including Test-Driven Development (TDD), clear naming conventions, well-defined project structures, robust versioning, meaningful metrics, comprehensive logging, efficient configuration management, streamlined packaging, and automated processes. Furthermore, I standardized CI/CD builds using Docker containers within the Bamboo platform. Leveraging my cryptography expertise, I established the milagro-crypto-c project based on milagro-crypto. Additionally, I led the development of Single-Sign-On (SSO) tools in Go, including a robust SAML Identity Provider. To facilitate efficient testing of Go NATS-based microservices, I created the open-source tools natstest and natsping. Moreover, I developed internal load testing tools specifically designed for the authentication service.
  • 2016-01 - 2016-02
    • Software Engineer
    • Cognitive Logic Limited (now InfoSum) (https://www.infosum.com/)
    • Reporting to the Founder/CEO. Initial project idea brainstorming, research and early prototypes.
  • 2013-06 - 2015-11
    • Senior Software Engineer
    • MediaSift Limited (http://www.datasift.com)
      DataSift is the leader in Human Data Intelligence. The only independent provider of social data, blog data and news data.
    • Designed and developed extensions, enhancements, or fixes for nearly 100 big-data projects across various programming languages including PHP, Go, JavaScript, C++, Python, Ruby, and shell scripting. This multifaceted role enabled me to streamline development cycles, enhance software quality, and implement Continuous Delivery pipelines using GoCD for improved efficiency gains. Additionally, I actively contribute to the open-source community by building and releasing en-to-end testing software.
  • 2011-10 - 2013-05
    • Senior Linux Systems Engineer / Senior Software Engineer
    • Fubra Limited (http://www.fubra.com)
    • I made significant contributions to the CatN vCluster Cloud Hosting platform through various software development and infrastructure improvements. I designed and implemented open-source tools like ServerUsage for system insights, TCPWebLog for log analysis, NetsGraph for network visualization, LogPipe for error handling, cmdMQ for remote command execution, and RackMap for data centre management. Additionally, I automated tasks with Ansible, conducted performance tests with Tsung, implemented dual-factor authentication and cryptography for enhanced security, and meticulously documented essential processes. This diverse skillset and proactive approach led to measurable improvements in platform efficiency, security, and manageability.
  • 2011-11 - present
    • Director and CTO
    • Tecnick.com LTD (http://www.tecnick.com)
    • Coordinating both technical and administrative activities of the company. Design and development of popular open-source software.
  • 2000 - 2011
    • Director and CTO
    • Tecnick.com S.r.l. (http://www.tecnick.com)
    • I have coordinated both technical and administrative activities across the company, such as communication, resource allocation, and budget management. Additionally, I have led projects and teams of various sizes. This includes designing, developing, and integrating dozens of new software technologies, including TCPDF (a popular PHP class for generating PDF documents used by millions) and TCExam (a PHP web-based assessment system translated into 24 languages and used by top international companies and universities). Other notable achievements include the creation of the AIOCP platform, a full CMS and e-commerce solution.
  • 1993 - 2006
    • During this period, I have gained extensive experience in diverse IT roles, including: Computer Technician, IT Consultant, Technology Teacher, University Java Lab tutor, Freelance Programmer, Researcher, and Website Owner/Developer. In 1998 I created the Technick.net website, which was once the web's most extensive archive of connector and cable pinouts. It has since branched into AllPinouts.org and CircuitsArchive.org.

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