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From a young age, I’ve always been fascinated by science and technology, demonstrating an innate passion for exploring how things work and the potential to innovate. When describing myself, I'd use words like eclectic, creative, and curious, always driven by a healthy dose of skepticism and perseverance. I'm also friendly and a hard worker, valuing collaboration and dedication.

To fuel these passions, I've nurtured several hobbies:

  • DIY Projects: DIY allows me to express my creativity and find personalized solutions. It's also a way to reduce waste and costs, which resonates with my environmental consciousness.
  • Photography: My eye is drawn to details and natural light, and capturing them through photography lets me share my unique perspective with others.
  • Music: My taste is wide-ranging, encompassing everything from classical to rock, but I have a particular soft spot for talented guitarists. When I have the time, I enjoy singing and playing guitar myself.
  • Cinema: For me, movies are a powerful and captivating form of storytelling. I enjoy being an observant and critical viewer, often drawn to independent films with unpredictable narratives.
  • Outdoors: Immersing myself in nature is essential for my well-being. Being close to the natural environment recharges my batteries and puts me in a positive state of mind.

These are just a few of the things that make me who I am. I'm always open to new experiences and learning, and I'm constantly seeking ways to connect with others who share similar interests.


Trained by Franco Marcello, I embarked on my Track and Field career in 1989 as a sprinter. Throughout my journey, I competed for Atletica Cagliari, Atletica Oristano, and Carabinieri Bologna sports clubs. In 1997, I had the honor of becoming part of the Italian National Team.

In 2001, I decided to transition from competitive athletics to dedicate more time to other pursuits and endeavors.


  • Achieved numerous Regional, National, and University titles.
  • Secured notable placements in international competitions.
  • Awarded the Bronze Medal of Sporting Value by CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) in 2003, a prestigious recognition reserved for few esteemed athletes.


  • 4x100m Relay: Gold Medal - Mediterranean Games - 38.61 [Bari - ITA - 1997] (Asuni, Puggioni, Cipolloni, Floris) - games record
  • 4x100m Relay: First Place - Europ Cup - 38.80 [Monaco - GER - 1997] (Asuni, Puggioni, Cipolloni, Floris)
  • 100m: Fourth place - Mediterranean Games - 10.40 [Bari - ITA - 1997]
  • 4x100m: Italian Champion [Roma 1998 (Carabinieri Bologna)]
  • 200m: Italian University Champion [Bari 1999 (CUS Cagliari)]
  • 200m: Italian University Champion [Torino 2000 (CUS Cagliari)]
  • 100m: Silver Medal - Italian University Championships [S.Marino 1997 (CUS Cagliari)]
  • 100m: Bronze Medal - Italian University Championships [Torino 2000 (CUS Cagliari)]
Personal Best:
  • 100m: 10.36 [Cesenatico 1997-05-24]
  • 200m: 20.99 [Milano 1997-07-06]
  • 4x100m Relay: 41.08 [Oristano 1994] ([Atl. Oristano] Crobu, Dore, Idda, Asuni)
  • 80m: 8.82 [Nuoro 1994-04-23]
  • 150m: 15.48 [Nuoro 1997-04-13]

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